– Digital Governance Policies
– Digital Humanities
– Digital News Media
– Artificial Intelligence
– Science Technology and Society (STS)
– Sports Studies
PhD, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Thesis Title: “Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and the Politics of Speed: A case study of the Indian Premier League (IPL)”
Book Chapters
• Forthcoming. ‘Who Watches Cricket? The spectator at the centre of the sporting-entertainment complex’. In Meena Gopal and Padma Prakash (ed.), Sport and Society
• 2020. (with Dhrubo Jyoti). ‘Notes from a Newsroom: Interrogating the transformation of Hindustan Times in a “digital” space’. In Maya Dodd, Nidhi Kalra (Ed.), Exploring the Digital Humanities in India: Routledge
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
• Forthcoming (With Marianne Noel and Harmony Paquin). Tweet, Set, Match: Negotiating the boundaries of digital technologies in elite tennis. Science, Technology and Society
• 2016. ‘Television Was Left On, a Running Tap, From Morning till Night’: The Indian Premier League (IPL) as a Marketing Vehicle. Sporting Traditions, Vol. 33 (2), 1–17
• 2016. ‘Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax: what we talk about when we talk about the IPL’. Jindal Journal of Public Policy, Vol 3 (1), 251-264
• 2015. ‘Cricket-lite: IPL as a Sporting-Entertainment Complex’. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol L (15): http://www.epw.in/journal/2015/15/web-exclusives/cricket-lite.html
• 2013. ‘Not Just Cricket: The IPL as the Politics of Speed’. The International Journal of Sport and Society, Vol 3, 69-79
• 2012. ‘Cricket in the fast Lane: politics of speed’. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol 47 (50), 21-24
• 2020, April 04. Reflections on surveillance in the middle of a pandemic . Hindustan Times
• 2020, April 10. COVID-19 | Team-branded masks for T20 and VR-360 for Premier League — our sporting experience will never be the same again.. Money Control
• 2019, February 07. Develop effective policies to regulate tech giants. Hindustan Times
• 2017. Buying into new cricket. In Suresh Menon (Ed.), Wisden India Almanack 2017 (Fifth Edition). India: Bloomsbury. 185-189
• 2017, October 03. Women deserve better than prison treatment in universities like BHU. Hindustan Times
• 2017, July 18. Just in case anyone’s forgotten, all tennis greats are not men. Hindustan Times
• 2017, June 04. Ramachandra Guha’s resignation letter proves our cricketing heroes have betrayed us. Hindustan Times
• 2017, April 27. The utter uselessness of banning social media in Kashmir . Hindustan Times
• 2017, February 18. Mark Zuckerberg’s plans for Facebook to save the world. Hindustan Times
• 2017, January 12. Digital Diplomacy is the New Radio. Hindustan Times
• 2017, January 7. When Bernie Sanders brought a giant printout of a Trump tweet to the US Senate. Hindustan Times
• 2014, February 16. The Surprising Friendship between Cricket and Military Technology. Hindustan Times
– Communication Skills
– Writing Lab
– Information Economy