Digital Society and Governance

A broad political economy and political philosophy engagement with issues such as privacy, data localisation and ownership, e-commerce, etc.


Research in this area seeks to draw on trans-disciplinary insights. The strands of inquiry that have emerged for this research area are: political economy of development of a digital infrastructure (broadband access, protocols, algorithms and AI, blockchain, content and accreditation, privacy, scale of operations), the emergence of platforms and their organisational designs within a wide array of commercial activities, the role of media and social media, the intersections of the physical and digital spaces, information infrastructure and information commons, and emerging regulation and anti-trust policies.

The attempt will be to develop both a historical and contemporary critical perspective regarding how an increasingly digitalized society is responding to a rapidly changing digital landscape. The very basis, it appears, of ‘value creation’ within society is getting considerably disrupted.


Household level waste management and its circularity


Data Brokering Practices and Data Trustworthiness: A Policy Evaluation - Parts I & II


Examining the structural dimensions of the digital industry


Master's in Digital Governance


Tracing the Contours of both Personal and Non-personal Data Value Chain


Industry Structures, Institutions and Public Policy: Rise of Digital Economy 



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