Technology and Policy

Closely examining the evolving and dynamic relationships between science, technology and society, in the context of policy making.


In a world increasingly shaped by complex interactions of humans with technological systems, everything from agriculture to medical interventions, from public opinion making to smart city programmes, and from surveillance to commerce is mediated through and enabled by technologies. It is imperative therefore to understand what shapes the policies and programmes that govern these interactions and conversely how such interactions shape policies. Across boundaries of nation states and business regulation; technology policy interventions and formulation require detailed engagement with contexts, theories, and on-ground practicalities of the changing relationship between science, technology, and society.

The Centre for Policy Studies aims to study these developing technologies from within the Indian context, in order to create relevant and effective policy models for regulation and governance. Responsible Innovation, risk, and governance structures are some of the areas that this research group intends to focus on.


Trust and Public AI: A Policy Analysis [assumptions & actions of the state on public use cases of AI & how they are altering the public domain.]


AI and Automation in the Indian Judiciary – a policy analysis


A Study in Intelligence: Mapping the Impact of AI on Indian Labour



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