Alumni · MPP

Aishwarya Janrode
Enforcement Policy: Critical Analysis of MPCB Policy
Ajay A. Deshpande
Awarded in

Aniruddha Sahebrao Mahajan
Policy Interventions in Addressing Educational Inequalities: A Case of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in the Nagpur District of Maharashtra State
Malish C. M.
D. Parthasarthy
Awarded in

Anuj Kumar
Understanding the Issues in Low Refilling of LPG Connections under PM Ujjwala Yojana
Arnab Jana
Awarded in

Anushree Choudhury
Compete or Complement: The Impact of #AIforAll on Cancer Care Professionals
Anupam Guha
Awarded in

Aparna Jha
Experiences of Women Concerning Sexual Harassment and Effectiveness of Institutional Mechanism to Create a Safe Place for women at Higher Educational Institutions in India
Sarthak Gaurav
Awarded in

Arun Saraswat
Land Policy: Exploration of Policy Paradigm of Land Consolidation Policy of Uttar Pradesh
Naveen Bharathi
Awarded in

Arya Jayan
Livelihood Initiative as Micro Enterprises: Solid Waste Management by Haritha Karma Sena in Kerala
N. C. Narayanan
Awarded in

Arzoo Kumari
Towards a Sustainable Future: Insights on solar PV Module Waste Management Policies and Strategies
Shishir K. Jha
Awarded in

Ashutosh Choubey
A Comprehensive Study of Cyber Frauds and Cybercrime Prevention in India
Sundeep Oberoi
Awarded in

Athira P. S.
Scope and Challenges in Localising Disaster Governance: An Analysis of Floods in Kerala
N. C. Narayanan
Awarded in

Ayush Aditya
Tracing the Evolution of Kerala’s Digital Media Literacy Program
Akshay S.
Prabhir Vishnu Poruthiyil
Awarded in

Baksheesh Sachar
Understanding the Policy Processes of Faecal Sludge Management in Odisha
N. C. Narayanan
Awarded in

Chandana S.
Ideological Influences in Media Literacy Curriculum: A Comparative Case Study of State-led Interventions in Finland, Ukraine and Kerala
Prabhir Vishnu Poruthiyil
Awarded in

Deepak Kumar Singh
Representation of Space in Migrant Workers (Naka Workers) Narrative of their Future in the city Mumbai, IITB Market
Prabhir Vishnu Poruthiyil
Awarded in

Dheeraj Babariya
Study to Assess Financial Performance of India’s Electricity Distribution Companies (DISCOMs)
Anand Rao
Awarded in

Eish Sharma
Understanding the Place of Critical Mathematics in School Curriculum: A Study of National Curriculum Framework 2005 and 2022
Akshay S.
Malish C. M.
Awarded in

Krish Jaiswal
Digital Watch Unravelling the Surveillance-Industrial Complex in Hyderabad
Anupam Guha
Awarded in

Mayank Mangalam
Do Informed Voters Make Better Choices?
Sarthak Gaurav
Awarded in

Nagsen Subhash Mohod
Challenges Faced by Dalit Entrepreneurs in Maharashtra: A Critical Policy Analysis of The Stand Up India Scheme
Rahul Sapkal
Awarded in

Nikhil Bhardwaj
Examining India’s Pilgrimage Policy Framework and Feasibility of Green Pilgrimage Practices: A Study of Neelkanth Temple in Rajaji National Park, Uttarakhand
Pankaj Sekhsaria
Awarded in

Nitish Kamal Singh
Policy Framework and Technology Framing of Large language Models: A case of Bhashini in Citizen Grievance Redressal System in Maharashtra
Sundeep Oberoi
Awarded in

Ojasvi Verma
Explainable AI in Banking Domain
Sundeep Oberoi
Anupam Guha
Awarded in

Pallav Vyas
Chip Manufacturing Implications: Precursor and Aftermath of SCPA, 1984
Shishir K. Jha
Awarded in

Pallavi Aggarwal
Policy Framework and Practice of Community Engagement in Indian Higher Education
Malish C. M.
Awarded in

Parul Garg
Negotiating at the Juncture of Formality and Informality in Affordable Housing Finance: The Case of Mumbai
Shishir K. Jha
Himanshu Burte
Rahul Sapkal
Awarded in

Patkar Vijay Lau Latika
Analysis of the Worker Distribution, and Impact of Electric Vehicles for the Automotive Manufacturing Industry in India
Trupti Mishra
Rangan Banerjee
Awarded in

Prathamesh Mokal
Exploring the Case of Decentralised Coastal Governance for the City of Mumbai
D. Parthasarthy
Awarded in

Preeti Kumari
Empowering the Livelihoods: The Implact of Agroecology on Sustainability Among Small Landholder Female Farmers in Kasdol, Chhattisgarh
Anupam Guha
Awarded in

Ranjane Varada Satish Sunita
Stakeholder Analysis of Agriculture Extension System: Insights for Policy Framework
Sarthak Gaurav
Awarded in

Rujuta Naik
Representation of Older Persons by the Indian State: An Interpretive Policy Analysis
Prabhir Vishnu Poruthiyil