K. Narayanan

Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS), IIT Bombay

Associate Faculty

Research Interests

Development EconomicsEnergy EconomicsIndustrial EconomicsInternational BusinessIndustry-Environment LinkagesSocio-Economic Impacts of Climate Change.
Post-doctoral Fellow, United Nations University – Institute of Advanced Studies, Tokyo
PhD in Economics, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi
MPhil in Economics, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi
MA in Economics, University of Madras
BA in Economics, University of Madras
Narayanan, K. (2011): IASSI Quarterly: Contributions to Indian Social Sciences, New Delhi, Volume 30, Number 3 & 4, July –December 2011
Jain, Ashok, Narayanan, K. and Siddharthan, N. S. (2012): Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal, Sage, Volume 17, Number 3, November 2012.
Siddharthan, N. S. and Narayanan, K. (2013): Innovation and Development, Routledge, Volume 3 Number 2 October 2013.
Tendulkar, Suresh, Mitra, Arup, Narayanan, Kand Das, Deb Kusum(2005) [Eds.]: India: Industrialisation in a Reforming Economy [New Delhi: Academic Foundation].
Siddharthan, N. S. and Narayanan, K.(2010)[Eds.]:Indian and Chinese Enterprises: Global Trade, Technology and Investment Regimes[London & New Delhi: Routledge].
Siddharthan, N. S. and Narayanan, K.(2013)[Eds.]:Human Capital and Development: The Indian Experience[London & New York: Springer].
Buele, Filip De and Narayanan, K. (2015) [Eds.]: Globalisation of Indian Industries: Productivity, Exports and Investment, [Singapore, New York and London: Springer].
Siddharthan, N. S. and Narayanan, K. (2016) [Eds.]: Technology and Global Competitiveness: Case of India’s Manufacturing Sector, [London:Routledge (Taylor and Francisgroup)]
Siddharthan, N. S. and Narayanan, K. (2017) [Eds.]:Technology: Corporate and Social Dimensions, [Singapore: Springer].
Siddharthan, N. S. and Narayanan, K. (2017) [Eds.]: Globalisation of Technology, [Singapore: Springer Nature].
Vyas, Vidhisha, Narayanan, K and Ramanathan, A. (2016): “Mergers and Acquisitions, Technological Efforts and Exports: A Study of Pharmaceutical Sector in India”, in Innovation and Global Competitiveness: Case of India’s Manufacturing Sector, Siddharthan, N. S. and K. Narayanan (eds.), Chapter 3, pp. 24-41, [London: Routledge (Taylor and Francis Group)].
Kannan, Kalpana and Narayanan, K. (2016): “Using Technologies to Reduce Unequal Access in Teacher Training”, in Technology: Corporate and Social Dimensions, Siddharthan, N. S. and K. Narayanan (eds.), Chapter 10, pp. 181-207, [Singapore: Springer].
Vyas, Vidhisha and Narayanan, K. (2016): “Does M & A matter for R & D? Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Sector in India”, in Technology: Corporate and Social Dimensions, Siddharthan, N. S. and K. Narayanan (eds.), Chapter 5, pp. 89-111, [Singapore: Springer].
Roy, Indrajit and Narayanan, K. (2018): “Pull Factors of FDI: A Cross-Country Analysis of Advanced and Developing Countries”, in Globalisation of Technology, Siddharthan, N. S. and K. Narayanan (eds.), Chapter 2, pp. 13-46, [Singapore: Springer Nature].
Siddharthan, N. S., and Narayanan, K. (2018): “Introduction to the Volume”, in Globalisation of Technology, Siddharthan, N. S. and K. Narayanan (eds.), Chapter 1, pp. 1-9, [Singapore: Springer Nature].
Shukla, Richa, Bhattacharyya, S., and Narayanan, K. (2016): “Firm Size vis-à-vis Industry Size and Innovation in a Dominant Firm-fringes Oligopoly Model”, Foreign Trade Review, Volume 51, No.1, pp.13-25.
Narayanan, K. and Sahu, Santosh Kumar (2016): “Effects of climate change on household economy and adaptive responses among agricultural households in eastern coast of India”, Current Science, Vol.110, No.7, pp.1240-1250.
Thomas, Ronny and Narayanan, K. (2017): “Determinants of outward foreign direct investment: a study of Indian manufacturing firms”, Transnational Corporations, Vol.24, No.1, pp. 9-26.
Dore, Poornima and Narayanan, K. (2017): “An Analysis of Sectoral Diversity in India and its Determinants”, Millennial Asia, Vol.8, No.2, pp.146-177.
Roy, Indrajit and Narayanan, K. (2018): “Outward FDI from India and its impact on the performance of firms in the home country”, Journal of Asia Business Studies, https://doi.org/10.1108/JABS-05-2017-0063 [forthcoming].
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