Kriti Srivastava

Digital Society and Governance

Working Title

Digitisation in District Judiciary


Research Interests

Constitutional Governance and Public InstitutionsDigital GovernanceLaw and Tech PolicyE-Governance and Regulatory Frameworks
Master of Laws (LLM), Chanakya National Law University, 2021
BALLB(H), Amity University, 2020
Inter-Caste & Inter-Religious Marriages Article Srivastava, K. (2018, May). The doomed tale of love: Has it really changed over time? Journal of Juvenile and Family Law, 4. ISSN: 2446-2101.
Cabinet System Article Srivastava, K. (2021, July). Functioning of Cabinet system in India and U.K. International Journal for Research in Law, 7(1). ISSN: 2454-8715.
Geographical Indications Chapter Srivastava, K. (2021). Geographical indications vis-à-vis protection of traditional knowledge. In N. K. Vats, S. C. Roy, & A. Mishra (Eds.), Emerging trends of intellectual property rights. New Delhi: Bharti Publications.
Humanism and Constitutionalism Article Srivastava, K. (2021, May). Humanism and constitutionalism: A study of healthcare in India. Supremo Amicus, 24. ISSN: 2456-9704.
Singhal v. Union of India Article Khare, R., & Srivastava, K. (2024, January). B.P. Singhal v. Union of India: The case of missed opportunities and limiting judicial review. International Journal of Law and Policy Review (IJLPR), NUJS.
Kumari, V., & Srivastava, K. (Eds.). (2024). Kaleidoscope of children: Issues through the lens of the youth. New Delhi: ISBN: 978-81-982431-3-3.

Co-edited a book ‘Kaleidoscope of Children: Issues through the Lens of the Youth’ along with Prof. Ved Kumari, Vice Chancellor, NLUO. This book comprises of research papers by students focussing on four themes Children’s right to development including issues around – education, health, and disability, Children in difficult circumstances focused on institutionalisation whether due to their own acts or growing up in prisons with their mothers, children in armed conflict, poverty and abused children in institutions; Sexual abuse of children including child marriages; and Child Labour.

Worked as Faculty Coordinator on a series of ‘Funbooks’ which are based on the different articles of UNCRC. It is a creative endeavour which aims to create awareness among different stakeholders.

Presented Paper titled “Geographical Indications vis-à-vis Protection of Traditional Knowledge” in one day International Seminar on “Emerging Trends of Intellectual Property Rights”

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