Conference: Platform Economies in India

In an era of network effects, the sheer size of India makes her platform economies central to the global digital economy. The overarching aim of this two day conference is to advance inter-disciplinary debates on the social impact, cultural dynamics and economic potentials of platform business models in India. We will address critical questions of urban infrastructure, entrepreneurship and labour conditions, human rights, governance and public services, culture and consumption, business law, platform ownership and regulation, and in all these dimensions: the founding propositions of equity and social justice. 

Sponsored by: SPARC Programme, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Queensland 

Keynote Speakers: Aditi Surie (Indian Institute for Human Settlements) and R. Srinivasan (IIM, Bangalore). 

Organizing Committee: Shishir K. Jha (Centre for Policy Studies, IIT Bombay), Adrian Athique (University of Queensland), Vigneswara Illavarasan (IIT Delhi), Scott Fitzgerald (Curtin University), Pradip Thomas (University of Queensland) 

Schedule for Day One: Wednesday 26th February 

9.30 Welcome: Shishir K. Jha 

10.00 Opening Address: Digital Emporiums: Platform Ecosystems in India Adrian Athique, University of Queensland 

11.00 Tea

11.15 Keynote: Platforms and the Platform Economy: the ‘Southern’ Urban Turn Aditi Surie, IHSS, Bangalore 

12.15 Lunch

13.15 Panel 1: Platform Labour 

Chair: Aditi Surie, IHSS Bangalore 

Understanding Algorithmic Hail Riding Management using Agency Theory Ravinder Kumar Verma, P. Vigneswara Ilavarasan, Arpan Kumar Kar, IIT Delhi 

“Aiming for the big pot”: Examining the Organization of Work in a Food Delivery Platform. Pradyumna Taduri, IIIT Bangalore 

The Hidden Forces of Uberisation : An ethnographic study of Uber drivers in India Ujjwal Sehrawat, IIIT Delhi 

14.30 Tea

14.45 Panel 2: Platform Users 

Chair: Adrian Athique, University of Queensland 

How Social Interests of Generation Z are Shaping Opinions About Social Media Platforms Mohina Gandhi, Apurva Jha, Vigneswara Ilavarasan, Arpan Kumar Kar – IIT Delhi. 

Matrimonial Platforms, Social Economies and User Experiences in India Chetna Monga – FLAME University Pune 

Study of the User perspective on the Factors Affecting the Mobile Transfer Payment in the Rural Area of Sonipat District , Haryana. Alka Chaudhary – Gautam Buddha University 

16:00 Panel 3: Platform Cultures 

Chair: Akshaya Kumar, IIT Indore 

Digital Platforms and Minority Language Media: Mapping the Contours of Lambadi/Banjara Digital Media Landscape in Telangana E. Sathya Prakash Reddy – University of Hyderabad 

Scaling Cultures: Comparing Bhojpuri and Himachali presence on Digital Platforms Ratnakar Tripathy – ADRI, Patna 

Platforms, Strategic Partnerships and Content Strategies in the New Bollywood Scott Fitzgerald – Curtin University 

Schedule for Day Two: Thursday 27th February 

9.30 CPS Plenary: Engaging with the Platform Economy 

Shishir K. Jha, Vidya Subramanian, Vishnu Poruthiyil, Uttara Purandare, Centre for Policy Studies – IIT Bombay 

10.45 Keynote: Platform Labour Archetypes in India Srinivasan R, Bibha Nayak and Rasuka Kishore – Indian Institute of Management Bangalore 

11.45 Tea

12.00 Panel 4: Platform Governance 

Chair: Vibodh Parthasarathi –Jamia Millia Islamia 

Data Protection and Data Sovereignty: Strange Bedfellows in India’s Digital Economy Pawan Singh – Deakin University 

Role of Government-owned Platforms in Enhancing Citizen Participation: Lessons from Angela Susan Mathew, P. Vigneswara Ilavarasan, M. P. Gupta – IIT Delhi 

Seller competition on Two-Sided Platforms Neaketa Chawla – IIT Delhi 

13:15 Lunch

14:00 Panel 5: Platform Capitalism 

Chair: Vigneswara Ilavarasan- IIT Delhi 

Immediacy and Hypermediacy in Platform Economies Akshaya Kumar – IIT Indore 

Digital Platforms as co-creators of Physical space: A Lefebvrian approach Ujjwal Kango, Agam Gupta, Divya Sharma, Ankita Singh – IIM Calcutta and IIT Delhi 

Capitalism, Socialism, or a New Mode of Production?: The Dilemma of the Platform Economy 

Ujjwal Kango, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta 

15.30 Close: 

The Limits of Platformisation Vibodh Parthasarathi, Jamia Millia Islamia 


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