Pankaj Sekhsaria

Associate Professor, Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas (CTARA)

Associate Faculty
Prof. Pankaj Sekhsaria’s main areas of research lie at the intersection of environment, science, society and technology. He has a deep interest in issues of the environment and wildlife conservation and simultaneously in understanding the complex relationships between society and S&T, particularly technology. One part of him is a compulsive story teller and it is his constant endeavour to keep writing, be it journalism, academic articles and hopefully books that allow for the fuller stories to be told.

Research Interests

Science and Technology StudiesS&T visioning and policy makingTechnologySociety and DevelopmentEnvironment and developmentCitizen ScienceWildlife conservationIsland studiesMedia studies
PhD in Science and Technology Studies, Maastricht University, Netherlands
MA in Mass Communication from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
BE in Mechanical Engg from Pune University
Webinar titled The Lab As The Site Of A Historical Excavation under the aegis of Archives Public Lecture Series, organized by NCBS:
2010. Putting life on the front page – biodiversity reporting guidelines, Interpress Service, Rome;
2019. Citizen Science in India – An initial Mapping and Analysis, DST Centre for Policy Research, IIT Delhi (with Naveen Thayyil)
Shifting Ground, Effectively and convincingly, The Book Review: Review Of Shifting Ground: People, Animals and Mobility in India’s Environmental History Edited By Mahesh Rangarajan And K. Sivaramakrishnan Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2014, Pp. 308
Reaching out to the Past, Conservation and Society Review: Review of The Nicobar Islands – Cultural Choices in the Aftermath of the Tsunami bu Simron Jit Singh and Oliver Lehman,. Czernin Verlag, 2006;;year=2006;volume=4;issue=1;spage=173;epage=175;aulast=Sekhsaria
2012. Deforestation in the Andaman and Nicobar – Its impact on Onge in Indira Munshi (Editor), The Adivasi Question, Issues of Land, Forest and Livelihood, Orient Blackswan and Economic and Political Weekly
2013. The making of an indigenous STM: Technological Jugaad as a Culture of Innovation in India in Konrad, Kornelia, Christopher Coenen, Anne Dijkstra, Colin Milburn, and Harro van Lente (Eds.), Shaping Emerging Technologies: Governance, Innovation, Discourse, Berlin: IOS Press / AKA;
2017. STS for development in CA Miller, U Felt & L. Smith-Doerr (Eds), The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (2017), MIT Press (co-author with Aalok Khandekar, Koen Beumer, Annapurna Mamidipudi and Wiebe Bijker);
2001. Illegal logging and Deforestation in Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India: The Story of Little Andaman Island. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, Hathworth Press & Food Products Press, USA, Volume 19, Nos. 1/2/3;
2001. Deforestation in Andaman and Nicobar: Its impact on Onge. Economic and Political Weekly, 22/09/2001;
2006. Andaman’s Tribal Reserves: Protecting Forests, Biodiversity and the Indigenous peoples. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 103 (2&3)
2007. Conservation in India and the Need to Think Beyond ‘Tiger vs. Tribal’. Biotropica, Volume 39 Issue 5 Page 575-577;
2009. When Chanos chanos became tsunami macchi: The post-December 2004 scenario in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 106 (3);
2013. The making of an indigenous scanning tunneling microscope. Current Science, Vol. 104 (9);‎
2013. Tribal reserves, IBAs, and bird conservation: The unique case of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Indian Birds, Vol. 8 (4), 85-90;
2014. An Identity- Card on the wall: Identities in flux and ethics of technology change. Economic and Political Weekly Vol. XLIX (34), p. 65-69;
2015. Disaster as a catalyst for military expansionism – The case of the Nicobar Islands. Economic and Political Weekly Vol. L (1), 3 January, p. 37-43;
2017. How Users Configure Producer Identities – Dilemmas of Retinoblastoma treatment in India. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. LII (40), p. 57-64
2017. Visions for India: public participation, debate and the S&T community. Current Science, Vol. 113, No. 10, p. 1835-40 (with Naveen Thayyil);
2018. The A&N islands are not an ‘empty space’. Ecology, Economy and Society – The INSEE Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1.;
2019. Media reporting of the Protected Areas in Maharashtra, India – a thematic analysis (with Trupthi Narayan). Journal of Threatened Taxa, Vol. 11, No. 3;
2014. The Last Wave: An Island novel, Harper Collins India;
2003. Troubled Islands: Writings on the environment and indigenous peoples of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands LEAD India and Kalpavriksh
2010. The Jarawa Tribal Reserve Dossier – Cultural and Biological Diversities in the Andaman Islands (Joint Editor with Vishvajit Pandya), Kalpavriksh, Pune & UNESCO, Paris;
2013. The State of Wildlife in Northeast India: (1996-2011) – A compilation of news from Protected Area Update (Editor), Foundation for Ecological Security, India;
2017. Islands in flux – the Andaman and Nicobar story, Harper Litmus India;
2018 Koneya Ale (The Last Wave in translation in Kannada), Navakarnataka Publications;
2019 Instrumental Lives – an intimate biography of an Indian Laboratory, Taylor and Francis;
2019 (Forthcoming). The State of Wildlife in Maharashtra (1996-2015) – A compilation of new from the Protected Area Update (Editor), Rainfed Books, Chennai, Kalpavriksh and The Duleep Matthai Nature Conservation Foundation.
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