Tim Bunnell, D.Parthasarathy, and Eric Thompson, Cleavage, Connection and Conflict: Rural, Urban and Contemporary, ARI-Springer Asia Series, Springer, 2013
D.Parthasarathy, T.F.Thekkekara and Veena Poonacha, Women’s Self Help Groups: Restructuring Socio-Economic Development, Dominant Publishers, Delhi, 2011
Amit Garg, Ashish Rana, P.R. Shukla, Manmohan Kapshe, D.Parthasarathy, K.Narayanan, and Unmesh Patnaik, “Handbook of Current and Next Generation Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment Tools”, Monograph, IDS Sussex BASIC Project, 2007
Padmaja R, Bantilan MCS, D. Parthasarathy, and Gandhi BVJ, “Gender and social capital mediated technology adoption” Impact Series No. 12. ICRISAT, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India, 2006
M.C.S.Bantilan and D. Parthasarathy, “Efficiency and Sustainability Gains from Adoption of Short Duration Pigeonpea in Non-legume based Cropping Systems”, Impact Series No.6, ICRISAT, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India, 1999.
D. Parthasarathy, Collective Violence in a Provincial City, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1997.
Journals and Book Chapters:
Swami, Deepika, Prashant Dave, and Devanathan Parthasarathy. “Agricultural susceptibility to monsoon variability: A district-level analysis of Maharashtra, India.” Science of the Total Environment 619 (2018): 559-577.
Parthasarathy, D. “Global Flows or Rural-Urban Connections? Temporality, Public Spaces and Heterotopias in Globalising Mumbai.” In N.Jayaram ed. Social Dynamics of the Urban, pp. 33-59. Springer, New Delhi, 2017
Hemant Kumar Chouhan, D.Parthasarathy, and S. Pattanaik, “Urban Development, Environmental Vulnerability and CRZ Violations in India: Impacts on Fishing Communities and sustainability implications in Mumbai Coast”, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 19, 3, 2017: 971-985
Chouhan, H. A., Parthasarathy, D., & Pattanaik, S. (2018). Urban at the Edges: Mumbai’s Coastline Urbanisms. In Jenia Mukherjee ed. Sustainable Urbanization in India (pp. 279-293). Springer, Singapore.
Singh, N., Parthasarathy, D., & Narayanan, N. C. (2018). Contested Urban Waterscape of Udaipur. In Jenia Mukherjee ed. Sustainable Urbanization in India (pp. 295-317). Springer, Singapore
Sharma, Sneha, and D. Parthasarathy. “Urban Ecologies in Transition: Contestations around Waste in Mumbai.” In Jenia Mukherjee ed. Sustainable Urbanization in India, pp. 207-223. Springer, Singapore, 2018
Chatterjee, Dwiparna, and D. Parthasarathy. “Gentrification and Rising Urban Aspirations in the Inner City: Redefining Urbanism in Mumbai.” In Jenia Mukherjee ed. Sustainable Urbanization in India, pp. 239-255. Springer, Singapore, 2018.
Hemant Kumar Chouhan, D.Parthasarathy, and S. Pattanaik, “Coastal Ecology and Fishing Community in Mumbai: CRZ Policy, Sustainability and Livelihoods”, Economic and Political Weekly, 51, 39, 2016: 48-57
Smita Pendharkar and D.Parthasarathy, “Pandharpur’s Wari: a discursive terrain for Maharashtra’s productive castes”, Asian Journal of Social Science, 44,1-2, 2016, 132 – 164
D.Parthasarathy, “Decentralization, Pluralization, Balkanization? Challenges for Disaster Mitigation and Governance in Mumbai”, Habitat International,52, 2016, 26-34
Sherly M. A., Subhankar Karmakar, D. Parthasarathy, Terence Chan, Christian Rau, “Disaster-Vulnerability Mapping for a Densely Populated Coastal Urban Area – An Application to Mumbai, India”, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 105, 6, 2015: 1198-1220
D. Parthasarathy, “Informality, Resilience, and the Political Implications of Disaster Governance”, Special on ‘Governing Floods in Asia’s Urban Transition’, Pacific Affairs, 88, 3, 2015: 551-575
Sheila Bonde, Clyde Briant, Paul Firenze, Julianne Hanavan, Amy Huang, Min Li, N. C. Narayanan, D. Parthasarathy, Hongqin Zhao, “Making Choices: Ethical Decisions in a Global Context”, Science and Engineering Ethics, Online First, 12 May 2015, DOI 10.1007/s11948-015-9641-5.
D. Parthasarathy,“The Poverty of (Marxist) Theory: Peasant Classes, Provincial Capital, and the Critique of Globalization in India”, Journal of Social History, 48, 4, 2015
Baghel, Deepmala, D. Parthasarathy, and M. Gupta. “Will you walk into my parlor? Spaces and practices of beauty in Mumbai,” South Asian Popular Culture 12.3 (2014): 163-179
“Rural, Urban, and Regional: Re-spatializing Capital and Politics in India”, in Tim Bunnell, D.Parthasarathy, and Eric Thompson, Cleavage, Connection and Conflict: Rural, Urban and Contemporary, ARI-Springer Asia Series, Springer, 2013, 15-30
Eric C Thompson, Tim Bunnell, and D. Parthasarathy, “Place, Society and Politics across Urban and Rural Asia” in Tim Bunnell, D.Parthasarathy, and Eric Thompson, Cleavage, Connection and Conflict: Rural, Urban and Contemporary, ARI-Springer Asia Series, Springer, 2013, 1-14
“Risk, vulnerability and resilience: climate change and the urban poor in Asia”, in “Human Security and Climate Change in Southeast Asia”, eds., Lorraine Elliott, Mely Caballero-Anthony. Routledge Security in Asia Pacific Series, 2012 “After Reservations: Caste, Institutional Isomorphism, and Affirmative Action in the IITs”, in “Equalizing Access: Affirmative Action in Higher Education: India, US, and South Africa”, eds., Zoya Hasan and Martha C. Nussbaum, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 2011
“Hunters, Gatherers, and Foragers in a Metropolis: Commonizing the Private and Public in Mumbai”, Economic and Political Weekly, 46, 50, December 2011
“Migrant, Diaspora, NRI: Bhojpuri Cinema and the Global in the Local”, in Anjali Gera Roy and Chua Beng Huat eds., Travels of Bollywood Cinema: From Bombay to LA, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 2011
“A Village Without Moneylenders: SHGs Economic Change, and the Restructuring of Social Relations”, in D.Parthasarathy, T.F.Thekkekara and Veena Poonacha eds., “Women’s Self Help Groups: Restructuring Socio-Economic Development”, Dominant Publishers, India, 2011
“Planning and the Fate of Democracy: State, Capital, and Governance in Post-Independence India”, in Vincent Kelly Pollard ed., “Wrestling with the Leviathan: State Capitalism, Contentious Politics and Large-Scale Social Change”, Brill, Leiden, 2011
Christoph Eberhard, D. Parthasarathy, and Shujie Feng), “Globalisation en Chine et en Inde”, in Arnaud Andre-Jean ed. Dictionnaire de la Globalisation, Droit – Science politique, Paris, LGDJ, 538 p (246-251), 2010
Binti Singh and D.Parthasarathy, “Civil Society Organisation Partnerships in Urban Governance: An Appraisal of the Mumbai Experience”, Sociological Bulletin”, Vo.59, No.1, Jan-April 2010
Upasna Sharma, Anand Patwardhan, and D.Parthasarathy, “Assessing adaptive capacity to tropical cyclones in the East coast of India: A pilot study of public response to cyclone warning information”, Climatic Change, 94, 2009, p.189-209
Neetu Chowdhary and D. Parthasarathy, “Is Migration Status a Determinant of Urban Nutrition Insecurity? Empirical Evidence from Mumbai City in India”, Journal of Biosocial Science, 41, 2009
“Social and Environmental Insecurities in Mumbai: Towards a sociological perspective on vulnerability”, South African Review of Sociology, 40, 1, 2009
The Antinomies of Modernity and Sustainability? Developing an Indian Perspective on Governance and Responsibility, in Christoph Eberhard (dir.), Traduire nos responsabilites planetaires: Recomposer nos paysages juridiques, Bruxelles, Bruylant, Col. Bibliotheque de l’Academie, Europeenne de Theorie du Droit, 2009
R. Shubha, Tanmay Bhattacharya, D. Parthasarathy, and Meenakshi Gupta, “Spirit possession in a healing center: View from within”, Psychological Studies, 53 (3 & 4), 2008, 219-225
Neetu Chowdhary and D. Parthasarathy, “Gender, Work, and Household Food Security”, Economic and Political Weekly, 42, 5, 2007
“Land laws, minerals, and development: A case for legislative innovations”, in Christoph Eberhard (ed.), “Law, Land use and the Environment: Afro-Indian Dialogues”, IFP, Pondichery, 2007.
Binti Kanta and D. Parthasarathy, “Slums, Rehabilitation and Government Policy: The case of the Slum Rehabilitation Programme in Mumbai”,The ICFAI Journal of Urban Policy, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 35-50, April 2006.
Taking Participation Seriously: A Critique of ‘Good Governance’, in Christoph Eberhard (Guest Edited), Droit, gouvernance et developpement durable, Cahier d’anthropologie du Droit, Paris, 2005.
Rowena Robinson and D. Parthasarathy, “After Gujarat: Making Sense of Reports on the Post-Godhra Violence and its • Aftermath”, in Ram Puniyani ed.Religion, Power and Violence: Expression of Politics in Contemporary Times, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2005.
“Shifting Fields of Legitimacy: Globalization and Resistance in a Historical Perspective”, Special Issue on Legal Pluralism in India, of the Indian Socio-legal Journal on Legal Pluralism, 31, (special), 2005.
Courses Taught
Contemporary Urban India.
Perspectives in Social Sciences (Introductory Module on Sociology).
Introduction to Sociology.
Environmental Studies.
Development, Planning and Policies in India: Issues and Alternatives.
Science and Technology in India’s Development.
Socio-psychological approaches to Development and Change.
Law, Rights, Governance and Development.
Research Methodology.
Computer-aided applied statistics.
Advanced theory of society.
Sociology of Social Stratification in India.
Communication Skills.
Making Choices: Ethical Issues in Scientific Endeavour.