Documentary Screening: #UNFAIR


CPS is screening a new documentary UNFAIR, on racism and discrimination based on skin colour. The film is about an hour long. Wency Mendes, the film-maker will be present for post-screening discussions.


Film Synopsis:

Skin is foremost in gathering, processing and assimilating knowledge for the body. All forms and acts of prejudice and discrimination arising from biases of skin – are events of violence that deconstruct the body and the processes of knowledge making that discontinues learning, evolution and growth.

In India we as a society conflate prejudices and discriminations concerning skin, colour, race and caste – despite denial from the state on various platforms. Through this film we engage in dialogue with the “African” diaspora here in India, as well as diverse individuals from various backgrounds, to understand what constructs – the images, thoughts and ideas. We seek to bring under the lens – ‘blackness’ in ‘brown’ spaces.

In doing so, we scrutinise the construct of beauty and its practices in Indian society and dissemination through various media. While we highlight the socio-cultural aspects of ‘race theory’ we examine its construct and further in relation to the constructed ‘biological body’.  We discuss with dermatologists how the body, skin and its colour emerge through epidemiology, ecology, environment and climate.  We meet genetic scientists who share their knowledge through anthropological surveys of the ‘Siddhi’ community. They discuss their findings about the origins of man, dispelling race myths and proposing a probable history that dates back to 60,000 years. We further trace the sharing and intermingling of culture, arts and music between the African continent and the Indian subcontinent since 4C BCE (recorded history). Our intent is to ‘screen’ learnings from interactions between the different and divergent cultures that emerge.

Today, as we witness an increased spate of violence based on racial prejudices and discriminations across the country, there is an urgent need to reveal and dispel popular myths, racial stereotypes and public justifications for ‘other’ dialogues and conversations to emerge.

Here is a link to the trailer of the film:

About the makers: 

#UNFAIR is built on principals of ‘co-labour-ableing’ – a call for action, addressing a shared concern through various stakeholders, building a collective knowing – ‘Knowledge’. 

Anoushka Mathews is a video producer and her training is in script writing from the Film and Television Institute, Pune. 

Mohit Bhalla is a journalist with ‘The Economic Times’ and specializes in covering financial crime and corporate fraud cases.

Paranjoy Guha Thakurta’s work experience, spanning over 40 years, cuts across different media: print, radio, television and documentary cinema. 

Wenceslaus Mendes is also a film-maker: cinematographer, editor by profession; practicing and working with multimedia and mediums.


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