India’s Digital Leapfrog and the New Architecture of Innovation


Sharad Sharma will attempt to explore the contours around the policies related to data and software products in India and their impacts for society at large, and how the upcoming innovations in the area of Software Products has the potential to transform India some of the social challenges such as microlending, loans and its accessibility to the people from the informal sector. He believes the new generation of Indian software products will have a big impact on improving government, labor, and social productivity in years to come. Also, it will make governance more data-driven, small businesses exponentially more productive, and communities more connected.

About the Speaker

Sharad Sharma is one of the very active technology angel investors in India with about two dozen investments. Sharad is a passionate evangelist of the software product ecosystem in India. He is the co-founder and Governing Council member of iSPIRT. He was the Chair of NASSCOM Product Forum and a member of the Executive Council from 2009-13. He has held a number of senior executive positions with leading technology companies. Most recently he was a SVP at Yahoo! and CEO of India R&D. Previously he turned around VERITAS operations in India. He also brought AT&T/Lucent R&D to India as an entrepreneur. Sharad is also an entrepreneur. He co-founded Teltier, now part of Cisco and is currently the CEO of BrandSigma Inc.


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