IPA Conference 2021 Announcement


CPS students to present their research at the upcoming Interpretative Policy Analysis Conference which is to be held from 28th June, 2021 to 2nd July, 2021 in virtual format. The theme of this year’s conferences is Interpreting Politics, Governance, and Space.

The details of our students and their papers are listed below:

Prerna Yadav, PhD- Second Year ( Batch 2019)

Paper Title: Water Scarcity: The Perceived Deficit in our Water Reservoirs

Session: Policy, Environment, and Sustainability.

Aparijita Mondal, MPP- Final Year (Batch 2019)

Paper Title: Information Discourse: Framing of Anti-Trafficking Policies

Session: Administration, Policy & Practice

Varsha Kumar, MPP- Final Year (Batch 2020)

Paper Title: Evolution of Transgender Policy in India post-2014: A Discourse Analysis

Session: Administration, Policy & Practice

Anushree Choudhury, MPP- Final Year (Batch 2020)

Paper Title: India’s Tale of Post-Truth during Pandemic

Session: Policy Making and Democracy in an Era of Post Truth


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