Bakul Rao

Associate Professor, Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas (CTARA), IIT Bombay

Associate Faculty
Bakul Rao joined the Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas in 2009. She has a BSc in Chemistry from Bombay University, a MSc in Analytical and Medicinal Chemistry from SNDT Women’s University. She has a total of more than 28 years experience in the field of environment which ranges from matrix characterization, technology development for sanitation, wastewater treatment, FSM and soil remediation, Life cycle assessments, etc.

Research Interests

Decentralized Planning of Panchayat Raj InstitutionsNatural Resources PlanningEnvironmental Assessment and RemediationsClimate ChangeEnvironmental Frameworks and State-of-the-Environment StudiesMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementE-waste and Agricultural SystemsMedicinal PlantsSustainable Development and Sanitation.
Management Program for Women Entrepreneurs, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India (2006)
PhD in Environmental Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India (2001
MSc Analytical & Medicinal Chemistry, SNDT Women’s University (1989)
BSc Chemistry, Bombay University (1987)
State of Environment and Action Plan, Karnataka – 2003 – Published by the Government of Karnataka and World Bank
Eco-Reckoner – A compendium of ecological terms – 2008, Published by the Indo-Norwegian Environment Programme
State of Environment Report, Bangalore – 2008 Published by EMPRI, Government of Karnataka and GTZ
Singh R., Vivek J. M., Rao B. and Asolekar S. R. (2016). Environmental Sound Management of Asbestos Wastes Generated from Industries in India. In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Solid Waste Management, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal during 22 and 26 Nov, 2016 [Selected for publication in Book release by Springer- Waste Management and Resources- under final review]
Singh, R., Rao, B. and Asolekar S, R., (2017). Treatment and Disposal of Glass-wool and Asbestos Bearing Waste-Insulation Materials from Ship Dismantling Yards in India, In 15th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST 2017) held during Aug 31 and Sept 2, 2017 in Island of Rhodes, Greece [Selected by the journal of WM&R- under review].
Singh R., Vivek J.M., Rao B., Asolekar S.R. (2019) Significance of the Presence of Asbestos in Construction and Demolition Wastes in India. In: Kalamdhad A., Singh J., Dhamodharan K. (eds), Advances in Waste Management. Springer, Singapore
Rao, B.H.,Conditions Imposed by the MoEF While Granting Environmental Clearance. Environmental Impact Assessment Quarterly 2000.
Rao, B.H., Swaminathan, R., and Asolekar, S.R., Washing of Marine Coastal Sand in a Batch Reactor: Sorption and Desorption of BTEX. J Air \& Waste Manage Assoc. 51, 1043-1059, 2001.
Rao, B.H. and Asolekar, S.R., QSAR Models to Predict Effect of Ionic Strength on Sorption of Chlorinated Benzenes and Phenols at Sediment-Water Interface. Water Research 35, 14, 3391-3401, 2001.
Rao, B.H. Issues in Water Resource Management for Urban Centres. Business Review, 2008.
Rahi Jain and Bakul Rao “Application of AHP tool for decision making of choice of technology for the extraction of anti-cancer bioactive compounds of plant origin”. International Journal of Analytic Hierarchy Process, Vol.5 1:, 2013, pp.3-29.
Rao, B., Mane, A., Rao A.B., Sardeshpande V. “Multi-criteria Analysis of Alternative Biogas Technologies,” Energy Proceedia, Vol.54, 2014, pp.292-301
Kumbhar, S., Kulkarni, N., Rao, A.B., Rao, B. “Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Traditional Bricks in Western Maharashtra, India,” Energy Proceedia, Vol.54 :, 2014, pp.260-269
Jain, R., Rao, B. “Critical analysis of India’s National Mission on Medicinal Plants (NMMP) in providing access to quality botanical drugs to improve public health, Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Vol.6 3:, 2015, pp.198-207
Jain, R., Rao, B. “Medical diagnostic laboratories provisioning of services in India, CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research, Vol.2 1:, 2015, pp.19-31
Thampi, A., Rao, B. “Application of Multi-criteria decision making tools for technology choice in treatment and disposal of Municipal Solid Waste for Local Self Government Bodies: A case study of Kerala, India “{The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, Vol.41 1:, 2015, pp.84-95
Sharma N. and Rao B. “Life cycle atmospheric emissions and energy use of the collection phase of a typical Indian sewerage system,” Energy, Ecology and Environment, 2017
Jain R., Rao B. and Tare A. “Comparative Analysis of the Spectrophotometric based Total Phenolic Acid Estimation Methods,” Journal of Analytical Chemistry, Vol.72 9:, 2017, pp.972-976
Jain R., Ajmera H. Rao B. “Reducing resource disparity in healthcare resource allocation of laboratories in countries with limited resources by empowering policy making and implementation” accepted Current Science, 2018
Kumar, A. Rao, B., De, A.K. “Milk proteins, health issues and its implications on National Livestock Breeding Policy of India” accepted Current Science, 2018
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