Subodh M. Wagle

Professor, Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas (CTARA), IIT Bombay

Associate Faculty
Dr. Wagle, after his B. Tech., worked in rural areas on the theme of ‘Science and Technology Interventions for Rural Development’ for about ten years before going for doctoral studies. After his Ph. D., he returned to India and helped establish PRAYAS, independent policy analysis and advocacy group working in the energy, electricity, water, development, and environment sectors. He discharged various responsibilities at PRAYAS between 1997 and 2006, including as a ‘Core Team Member’ of the ‘Energy Group’ and the ‘Group Coordinator’ of the ‘Resources and Livelihoods Group’ of PRAYAS. He has been a Trustee of PRAYAS since 1995. Between 2006 and 2014, he was an Adjunct Professor in CTARA (IIT Bombay), where he helped design and initiate the master’s program in Technology and Development. Dr. Wagle was a Professor at the Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS) between 2007 and 2014. At TISS, as the Founding Dean, he established the School of Habitat Studies and headed the Center for Water Policy, Governance, and Regulation. From June 2015 to November 2016, he was a Visiting Faculty at the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy, University of Delaware, USA. He has served on various government committees and institutions and has led many international research collaborations.

Research Interests

Analysis of On-Ground Performance of Public PoliciesPolicy and Institutional Dimensions of Solar Technology DisseminationAnalysis of Regulatory Governance in IndiaUrban Water IssuesPublic Policy and GovernanceResearch Design and MethodsRegulatory Concepts and TheoriesWater Policy and RegulationInternational Perspectives on Environmental PolicyUS Electricity PolicySustainable Energy PoliciesTechnology-Society-Environment
B. Tech., Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay, 1982
Ph.D., Energy and Environment Policy, University of Delaware, USA, 1997
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