Kaniska Singh

Water, Sanitation, Energy, Climate Change

Working Title

Governing Disasters And Disaster-Affected : Examining Vulnerability Production in the Kosi Riverplain in Bihar, India


Research Interests

Policy ProblemCategorisingDisaster VulnerabilityState-(at-risk population) RelationshipFlood Risk GovernanceFlood Victims
MPhil Social Work,Delhi School of Social Work, Univeristy of Delhi, 2018
MA Social Work, Delhi School of Social Work, Univeristy of Delhi, 2016
BSc(Hons) Chemistry, Miranda House, University of Delhi, 2014
Singh, K., & Chaudhuri, S. (2020). Confronting Disparities in the Time of COVID-19. Center for Policy Studies.
Singh, K. (2023, April 9). Challenges of flood control technologies on Kosi River in India. Society for Social Studies of Science. https://4sonline.org/news_manager.php?page=32919https://doi.org/10.4102/jamba.v16i1.1671
Singh, K., & Jamal, A. (2022). Women’s paid work as a bubble of empowerment: a case study of a social enterprise working with women artisans. In Gendered inequalities in paid and unpaid work of women in India (pp. 71-97). Singapore: Springer Singapore.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9974-0_5
Singh, K., Nidha, F., Joseph, R., & Narayanan, N. C. (2022, September). Democratizing Disaster Risk Reduction: A Local Governance Approach to Contextual Knowledge Production for Flood Planning in Kuttanad, India. In 5th World Congress on Disaster Management: Volume I (pp. 311-321). Routledge.https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003341956


Exclusion and Processes of Differentiation in Disaster Governance and Policy-making,
Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado, 2020,

Resilient- Society ‘for’ Sustainable Development? -Deconstructing the ‘problem
Representation’ within Disaster Management Policies in India, NEEDS 2021: Online
● Examining Policy Problematizations of Disaster in Indian Disaster Management Policies,
International Conference on Public Policy and Management, IIM Bangalore, 2021

Exploring invisibility and agencies of the disaster underclass: A critique of the flood risk
governance in the Kosi floodplains, India, from a disaster injustice perspective,
National Conference on Transforming India – organised by Special Centre of Disaster
Research (SCDR), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)
● CNDS Summer School, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2023.

(Mis)Recognition within Flood Governance process: Implications for recovery of
riverine communities, NEEDS 2023, University of Twente, Netherlands.”

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