Rakendu S.

Water, Sanitation, Energy, Climate Change

Working Title

Big Circles to Small Circles: Circular Economy Narratives and its Implications in Municipal Solid Waste Management in India


Research Interests

Circular EconomySolid Waste Management
MTech Technology and Development, IIT Bombay, 2021
BTech Electronics and Communication Engineering, Government Engineering College, Thrissur, Kerala, 2016

1. Awarded with Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship

2. Presented in 2 international conferences listed below

i)Deliberative platforms to deepen participatory solid waste governance: Experiences from a Kerala town, India. In the 6th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP6), organized by International Public Policy Association, 27-29 June 2023, Toronto, Canada.

ii) Demand and Supply Side factors to feminization of labour: A study of waste sector in Kerala, India. In International Round Table Conference on Urban Risk and Informality, organised by Jamsetji Tata School of Disaster Studies, TISS in collaboration with IIT Madras and SMUS, 24-25 January 2023, Mumbai, India

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